Aerial Photography October 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 03:23AM
Ben Heys in Australia, art, photography, photos, pictures, travel

This month saw a new job come my way - aerial photography.  The actual work itself wasn’t particularly exciting as I was comissioned to shoot houses and farms non stop, 4 angles of each for hours at a time, it was endless flying around in circles in a cramped little sardine can with wings.  But around that there were some truely fun times, including some impromptu flying lessons (I even got to take the controls for a take off one day), some hair raising aerobatics & low level flying by my crazy pilot (made all the better by the fact that my side of the plane had the door removed!) and some visually fantastic moments, only a couple of which I was really able to come even remotely close to capturing in images.




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