Lonely Planet cover!
Monday, February 25, 2008 at 10:31PM
Ben Heys in Asia, Thailand, art and photography, photo, photography, photos, pictures, travel, travel and places

I’ll get into what I’ve been up to lately in a subsequent post but right now I’m just going to share the news that I’ve been contacted by Lonely Planet to be told they want to use one of my shots from last year’s Thailand trip on the cover of an upcomming guidebook!!

 I’ll add that LP had already purchased the license for the image on one of my stock sites, this would have allowed them to quite legally use it in the manner in which they wished to but they chose to contact me and offer me a further generous payment as they felt the stock payment was too low.  Makes me feel guilty now that I bought that locally ‘produced’ (photocopied) Lonely Planet Cambodia guide book!

 So lookout for the 2009 Blue list which will have the following image on it’s cover:



Article originally appeared on Ben Heys Photo Blog (http://benheys.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.