Boarding Coronet - 16th July 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 10:26PM
Ben Heys in art and photography, extreme sports, photo, photography, photos, pictures, snowboarding, sport, travel, travel and places

Well the 16th saw me on a snowboard for the first time in over 8 years.  It took so long to get up the mountain as I’ve been trying to negotiate a season pass out of NZski in exchange for some advertising photos.  We ended up compromising on a complimentary week pass on a trial basis, if they like what they see from there then it’ll be extended into a full multi-resort season pass, so fingers are crossed.  Only ended up getting the one day up at Coronet and none at The Remarkables due to a combination of bad weather, injury and a day spent at another resort.

RE the injury, it was my own silly fault for not paying enough attention to where I was going.  To cut a long story short on my first run of the first day on the snow I crashed into a ditch and did a good job of pulling a muscle in my side/back.  I’m starting to feel better now though so hopefully I’ll be back on a board within a week or so.

The models in the following shots are good mate of mine and room mate for 3 months (9 years ago) Mike, and another fellow Aussie, Eddie - cheers guys!  Without further ado, here is Coronet:

 Mike on a rail:


The Coronet base building:


The view:



And a few of Mike & Eddie  being part snowboarders, part fashion models!:






Article originally appeared on Ben Heys Photo Blog (
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