After our (all too) brief sojourn in the lap of luxury it was time to hit the road again on our quest north toward the Thai border. We decided to make Penang the target for the first day and were all set for another day of painfull stinky hot bus trips and transfers when Celine’s social tendencies saved the day again. A conversation to the couple next to us on the ferry got us a couple seats in the car they’d hired for their trip around Malasia. They just happened to be heading to Penang and even better was that despite the fact that their accomidation budget seemed much higher than ours they just so happened to be staying a block away from several Lonely Planet recommended backpackers.
On the way we decided to search out some food and happened across some huge candle looking things:
Turned out they were giant joss sticks and it was some sort of buddhist ceremony. Yet again Celine started gabbing with the locals in Chinese which resulted in a bunch of info, a free bagfull of guava (*shrugs*) and demands to take a picure of them and (as translated by Celine): “put on internet, let whole world see!”. So here you go world (the two on the right are the couple that gave us a lift) :
This was also the place I discovered this great drink (I originally bought one just because the name tickled me, turns out a bloody good drink, tastes like mountain dew):