Hill tribe kids - 14th September 2007

Despite being the last up the hill and possibly the sorest of the bunch, I was also the first one up the next morning. We were only due to leave at 11am but I got up with the roosters in the hopes of some nice sunrise pics (or close to sunrise). There wasn’t much happening pictorially though - it was rather overcast. Still I was up and so I took the opportunity to wander around the village a bit. After a while I headed back to our hut and spied JB up and about. We were still the only two up so we went for a wander to try to find the school that JB had discovered with one or two of the other guys the afternoon before. A half hr of walking and JB’s direction sense being about as good as it usually is and we canned that idea. Decided instead to pay a visit to the ‘corner store’ (yes they have actually have a coner store in this mountain village, when JB first mentioned it I honestly thought he was taking the piss) for a pre-breakfast munch.

There were a couple local kids there which attached themselves to us, the little girl in particular was particularly cute. First pic here credit goes to JB, one of the few shots you’ll see on here with me in front of the lens rather than behind:
Reader Comments (1)
SO CUTE!!!!!!!! - kids of course